Monthly Archives: August 2015

Data Capture Requirements

OutProsys continuously work on creating data capture solutions that will meet each individual client’s requirements. A client’s data capture requirements are always evolving, along with their business, allowing for constant communication and innovation between OutProsys and the client. In order to start understanding a client’s requirements and prepare a commercial proposal, the following information is required;


  • A representative sample of the form (preferably completed)
  • An indication of how they will receive the forms (image or hard-copy) and if
    hard-copy whether scanned images are required
  • What frequency they can expect to receive the forms (once off, monthly, weekly etc.)
  • What volumes they can expect to receive on the above frequency
  • What turnaround is required based on the above volume and frequency
  • Indication of any fields that do not need to be captured
  • The required Output data format


do what you do best, outsource the rest